After we finally got Piper to stop pulling out her staples Piper healed very quickly and nicely. Piper needed to wear the cone for a couple of weeks while her cut healed and now her hair is starting to grow back. Although Piper did not seem to mind the “cone of shame” Ivy did not like it because it made it too difficult to play with Piper. Ivy was very happy once the cone had been removed and our two girls played like crazy as if they had been separated for months on end. Below see Piper relaxing after a long play with Ivy:
We have been to two hunting training events this past month with the girls and they love every minute of it. Ivy and Piper are starting to have their own challenges though when it comes to training. Ivy loves loves loves birds so much so that she seems to feel that she doesn’t need to hold point and doesn’t want to listen to the woe command. We are working on Ivy diligently to encourage her to hold point just ans as long as she doesn’t catch them (so far she has not caught any birds) she will get it, already she seems to be flash pointing some of the time. Ivy is on the other hand is doing great water work at first Ivy wouldn’t enter the water and now she is doing 20-30 foot retrieves at a full swim. We are very proud of her, keep up the good work Ivy! Below see Ivy taking a rest in the sun: