Every year at Christmas the dogs get presents, Ivy how is now experienced at Christmas knows how to open her presents by ripping the paper. This was of course Piper's first Christmas so we were wondering if she would pick up how to open presents. The dogs every year get a visit from Santa and this year was no different when it came to open Santa's gifts Ivy grabbed a gift, ripped it open to reveal the toy inside. With Piper we started by showing her that the paper can be torn she then grabbed the present and ripped up the paper and getting the toys inside. Piper then went nuts with the gifts to the point that she couldn't open them fast enough she would grab a new present open it half way then go to the next one. Of course Ivy was around to finish the job that Piper left behind. Below you can see that Piper decided to relax after opening all her presents.
The new year is upon us now and here at Safron Kennels we are planning on the dogs activities. We of course will continue with the agility because the Braques love it so much and Braque Francais are naturally very good at agility. We are also planning to attend more dog show our goal is to get more points on the girls towards their championship and eventually finish both girls. We are also planning to hopefully get the girls out their with hunting training, this has been a personal challenge for us to get the girls out hunting training because we have not been able to find a trainer. All trainers that we call that are close by what us to send the dogs to them for several weeks, I will not send my dogs away for training. Other trainers that will allow us to train with the dogs are very far away for us to travel. We have done some at home and both Ivy and Piper have shown amazing natural ability, took to birds very well and are not afraid of gun shots. Below Ivy is in the hunting spirit by modeling a camo tuque. If you or someone you know know someone who can help us find a trainer or know where we can get hunting trainer for our girls please contact us.
We are planning on breeding Ivy next spring in 2015, our last litter was very successful with lots of interest. If you or anyone you may know is interested in the 2015 litter, have any questions, would like to meet our wonderful dogs here at Safron Kennels or would just like to learn more about the Braque Francais please contact us we would love to hear from you. If you would like to find would be a good fit for you and your family please take our small quiz by clicking here. We are encouraging everyone to share the Braque Francais will others please print off our brochure, which is filled with wonderful information about these lovely dogs and help to get the breed more known, to download click here.