Agility lessons with the girls are going very well, we try to practice with them every week. We find agility a great active for Braque Francais because it involves a Braques most favorite things which are; running, listening to commands and working with their owners. We find that it is also a great active to help owners learn how to handle their dogs; agility is as much about the dog getting the obstacles correct as it is about the handler (who is typically the owner) getting the correct commons to the dog. Piper has graduated level 101 at only six months old and she has started 102 just this past week. Piper has already obtained some excellent agility skills including jumping multiple jumps in a row, running through a tunnel and targeting at the end of an obstacle. All extremely useful foundational agility skills that she will use once she gets to competition level. However Piper does find agility to be a lot of work sometimes as you can see below she feel asleep at class last week.
Ivy practices her agility skills every week as well in semi-private classes, she is quickly mastering the hardest obstacle in agility, the weave poles. Ivy was having a difficult time learning the wave poles, basically she was not understanding that she had to do every single pole. However now she is doing the weave poles perfect almost every time, practice, consistency and patience pay off when training, check out Ivy's new skills below:
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We have planned a dog show this weekend where both our girls are entered, in the past it has only been me, my husband and Ivy at the dogs shows representing the Braque Francais. Ivy has been doing a great job being the sole Braque Francais ambassador at dog shows but we are thrilled that Piper is now here to help. Since we are only active kennel exhibiting or dogs in the show ring in Ontario it has been very difficult to move the Braque Francais forward. However here at Safron Kennels we are determined to get the Braque Francais more known not just with the general public but in as many aspects of the dog world as we can. We are welcoming everyone to join us at the dog show this weekend to come out see the dogs and cheer them on. As you can see below Piper is getting ready to help.